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4th act of the Declaration of Universal rights

4th act of the Declaration of Universal rights

“prohibits the Government and all its agencies from limiting or deciding what information a citizen might seek or give.”[1]

The fourth act of Universal Rights of the Declaration of Rights grants every Union Citizen the right to gather, collect, seek and provide any and all information obtained legally and without infringing on the Universal rights of others.

It means that a Union Citizen cannot be prosecuted for reading, watching, listening or use any other means of information gathering any material.

Examples: A Citizen can freely seek information how to kill the president or how to mix or obtain a deadly poison as long as the Citizen is not using this information to cause harm to someone else. No book , no document and no type of information can be banned or prohibited.

If an information needs to be classified or kept secret it is the owner of that information that must make sure it is not accessible. No Citizen shall be prosecuted for making information available to others if that information was obtained legally and without causing harm to others.

Employees of Government and private entities having access to confident or classified material are not covered by this basic right as they are bound by oaths, contracts and non disclosure agreements. Breaking such would cause harm to others.

Military personnel is also prohibited and not subject to the Universal rights.

[1] Limited only if such act infringes on the Universal rights of privacy of another Union Citizen ( PSI laws, Right for privacy, VIP protection act)
