Galnet Wiki

Attika center

Mega Cities of the Union

Attika Center

Largest Union City in the Large Magellanic Cloud – Center of theAttikan Commonwealth .

Seventh largest City Union Wide

Attika is an old city that has been a contient spanning city for over 12,000 years. Ancient and modern architecture mixed in almost all disticts.

The city centers on the Emperors palace.

There are a little more than 7 billion inhabitants in the city while the rest of the planet has only about 1 million. (Vast stretches are owned by very old families)

There is a Class A Space port. The LMC headquater for Union Post and Xchange are here as well.

There is no heavy industry and most business is focused on commerce and trade.

Crime rate is virtally non existent. With the exception of the occational murder or fight, there are no muggings, robberies and the like.

The local Union Police Precinct does not even have a SWAT team. It calls on the Palace Guards in rare occations.

There is no room for expansion so the city grows under ground.

Construction on a Torus has begun in 5048
