Galnet Wiki

Blue- Blue- Red

The United Stars Military and Government has developed a color coded Classification System. The System allows to Classify information, access levels and authorization levels.

Each Classification level comes wit its own “protocol” as what has to be done in order to comply to all requirements of this classification level.

Blue-Blue- Red is the second highest Classification level in all Union Military and Government purposes. (The highest level being Red-Red-Red)

Blue-Blue-Red Access Protocol includes a special Day Code Cypher that is issued daily via Command Level GalCom a physical key device that is carried by the so cleared individual in a secret pocket or crevice of the body.

The full Blue-Blue-Red protocol verifies the identity of an individual via seven process steps:

  1. Biometric ( various verification data of distinguishable physical observations,including DNA)
  1. Physio Pattern (verification of movement and behavior patterns)
  1. Bio electric (Neuro and Bio electric signatures and patterns)
  1. Psi-Wave (Psionic pattern verification)
  1. Psycho-Poli test ( Polio-graph, Psycho patterns to verify individual is not forced or in emotional stress. )
  1. Day Code (a Cypher issued daily)
  1. Key (A key individual to the user that can only be used by the authorized individuals

Only about 1 % of all Union Fleet Officers are cleared for Blue Blue Red. Only Type A-SECSPEC passed A.I systems and Computronics are able to process Blue-Blue-Red Protocol

Only members of the Inner Chamber of the Assembly Intelligence Council ( The Gray Ghosts) ,and the Admiral of the Fleet are cleared for Red-Red-Red
