Galnet Wiki
Gravomine 1


General Term for an Area denial weapon / device utilizing dis-harmonized contradicting Gravitation centers.

Only three known civilizations used Gravo Mines. The Shiss , the Nul and the Union. It is generally accepted that the Nul have the longest experience in using graviton based weaponry and their Gravo Mines and Dual Gravo Cannons are the only weapons known that can seriously weaken Union Shields. Two Gravo Mines can destroy a Wolfcraft Fighter. 12-15 of the large Nul Nihsth Minescan collapse a Battleships shields (It takes almost 100 Shiss Mines or Gravo Rounds to do the same) Terran Weapon Engineers were the last of the three to come up with a Gravo Mine. The Elephant Class Neutron Core Developer Mine is by far the most expensive and complicated mine of the three ,but it develops the gravitational forces of a Neutron Star in less than 2 seconds in dis harmonized gravo fields. Crushing and expanding Gravimetric pulsating fields disrupting the finest tuned ISAH fieldsandoverwhelming shields with graviton fluxes. Nul and Terran mines have the added feature of being able to cloak. Terran mines are highly intelligent have jump engines to concentrate several mines of a mine field onto one target.

Nul mines and Shiss Mines also have limited roaming abilities and are coordinated by a Master Mine.

Gravo mine visualizeds

Gravo Mine Visualized
