Galnet Wiki

Amateur photography of IC1613

IC 1613, aka UGC 668, DDO 8, PGC 3844, Caldwell 51 is an irregular dwarf galaxy in the constellation Cetus near the star 26 Ceti. It is approaching Terra at 234 km/s.

IC 1613 is a member of the Local Group. Other than LMC and SMC, it is the only Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy where RR Lyrae-type variables have been observed.

The dominant population of this galaxy has an age of ~7 Gyr (gigayears = 109 or 1,000,000,000 Terran years). Its evolutionary history may be similar to that of the Pegasus Dwarf Irregular Galaxy. Both galaxies are classified as Ir V in the DDO system. Astromomers have found five cepheids of Population II in IC 1613, giving self-evident support for the existence of a very old stellar population component of IC 1613.

There are Ancient gates in IC1613 that allow traffic to and from Canis Major and Pieces Dwarf. They are:

Canis Major → IC 1613

Pieces Dwarf → IC1613 → Pieces Dwarf

Canis Major → Pieces Dwarf
