Galnet Wiki
Karthanian space

Kartanian Space (aka Kartanian Conglomerate). The area controlled by the Kartanians located in the Upward / Coreward sectors.

Karthanian Space {*}

Space claimed by the Karthanians - M-0 Galaxy - Coreward Sector 

Aprox 2000 x 3500 x 120 LY 

Karthanians have not colonized or occupied many worlds within their sphere of influence. There are twenty  major systems (known to the Union prior to 5048 [1]) and about 130 planets are considered major worlds.

Arkalon, is the core and planet of origin.

  • 1 - Itheamh (not an official Karthanian world)
  • 2- Kaliment (shared with the Togar)
  • 3- Koralun
  • 4-Merkaal
  • 5- Arkalon
  • 6- Onklorn
  • 7- Jarralon
  • 8- Beongh
  • 9- Diduuhon
  • 10 - Pioplon

[1]The actual numbers revealed after Karthaninan applied for membership was 24 systems and 134 planets

{*} Karthanian or Kartanian

Both are correct, one is a translation of Freespace Squack and the other is a translation of Karthanian language. Since both versions are used both versions are correct (Until Union membership where their society is officially entered as Karthaninan)
