Galnet Wiki
The Social Order of Nilfeheim

The Social order on Nilfeheim is not as simple and primitive as it appears. It is not a fair or desirable structure but an old structure never the less.

On top of Society sits the Circle of Elders.[]

The Circle of Elders split into the Inner and Outer Circle represents the law. They use the Book of Sacred Traditions to guide their decisions.

The Keepers of Hasvik[]

who take the role of priests and spiritual guides have until recently played a very small role and were more myth and legend than real.

The Council of Clan Chiefs[]

- the Clan Chiefs are the real rulers of Nilfeheim. While they are subject to the Laws of Elders in society, in their Burgs they are undisputed kings and masters and their will and whim mean life and death.

The society of Nilfeheim makes a strict distinction between Old and New Clans. An Old Clan is only a Clan family that existed uninterrupted since the first Settlers arrived. The Settler Manifest of the Ark Stockholm is kept at Hasvick Keep and carries the 250 Names of the Original Clans. All other Clans are new Clans and their word and desires holds less value and weight as those of an Old Clan.

The Bondi[]

are a class of Clan associated Nobles that not necessarily carry the clan name. A Clan chief can declare a man Bondi by giving him property, weapons and the right to wear Clan colors and sigil. Most Bondi families on Nilfeheim are almost as old as the first clans and new ones are rarely added.


are those who do not belong to a Clan (but can take Employment at a Clan) who carry Names and can open businesses and own property, but no Burgs.

In order to have a Burg and start a Clan you need Clan descent or have the approval of the Circle Of Elders to raise a family to Clan status (happened once in 3000 years).

Low Men[]

are the peasants often living no better than slaves. Low Men have no rights on Nilfeheim (of course they are considered Union Citizens if they manage to go to Union School). Some Clans treat their Low Men well and pay them wages, others keep them like slaves in near-inhuman conditions (until 5020).
