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Pink bloodowl

Pink Blood Owl

Phantas Forests -Phantas Planet

Flightless bird - Non sentient psionic gifted bio form. 

Carbon based , LDLS -  Telekinetic movement -

This flightless bird is capable of levitating itself by psionic means and create a mesmerizing lethargic effect in its prey. The effect only works if eye contact is made.

The bird is easily killed without this effect.

A shipment of 500 Blood Owls to  Venus Zoo has been stolen in 4100 and it is assumed the Kermac MOI was behind the theft.

The life form is not commecrially raised or bred. However it is eatable and  small numbers are offered as speciality food at the exchange.

Live animals are classified Biohaz 5 and can only be traded (alive) by life form dealers with a Class 5  or higher permit.

Keeping the animal pet is not recommended but also not prohibited if the propper registration is requested. 

Local Phantas laws prohibit the trade of any Phantas life form (alive)

The few live ones traded each year come from life form collector who sometimes bread small numbers to maintain their collection.

The birds lay 1-2 eggs a year and have a life span of about 5 -10 years.

They feed on warm blooded life forms and suck / drink blood. They are vicioius and often attack in flocks.Bright light is a good defense.  
