Galnet Wiki
Stellaris skin

Stellaris Skin

a non biological, cybernetic component of the Homo Stellaris.
Demand for skilled workers and laborers to build space stations and work in Space Docks was (and is) increasing every day and the market potential enormous. However QMK could not overcome the challenges by biological means alone, so they opted to add artificial, mechanical components.

The Result was the Homo Stellaris. A Human sized being with an artificial metal reflective skin that would reflect radiation and act as an insulator to keep body heat and moisture in. The skin used was a metal particle silicone layer.( To this day Homo Stellaris must change their skin 5-6 times in their life time.

The required skin changes are free of charge to Homo Stellaris and the cfhange can be performed by any Union Clinic .The procedure takes about a day and is completley pain free. Members of the Stellaris are fully compensated for the loss of work and receive a week of Skin adjustment.

The program is managed by:

The HSMO is a Union government supported department that manages the supplies of the vital accessories for the Homo Stellaris ( Artificial skin, radio and data head implants, etc) Provides health services information accessible to Health care providers dealing with HS patients. Conducts or supports research in HS specific issues and conducts and supports researching Accessory improvement and development.
It's main office facilities are located in the "Above Africa section" of the Earth Torus

